Saturday, August 20, 2011

My Own "Spending Diet"

Until I win the lottery or marry a prince, I am forced to watch what I spend my money on. This is why I've decided to go on a spending diet. There are many costly things I would like to spend my money on (i.e. new ipod, small digital camera, ...apartment!) But I will definitely not have enough money to buy those things without saving up! I've come across many money-saving blogs that have sparked my interest to the idea of a "spending diet." This can last however long you choose, in my case one month.

I have gotten to a point where my closet is full and my wallet is so empty. My debt is higher then I want it to be. Whether I'm at the mall buying a pair of shoes or at Wal Mart buying some candy and a DVD, I'm finding myself handing over my credit card much too often. That's why, for one month exactly, I'm forcing myself to pay for only the bare minimum. My spending diet will start today, August 20th and end on September 20th. This month I have to pay for books, bills, and gas, and hopefully not too much else. I believe that writing this down in a public forum will help me stick to my word. Thanks for reading and wish me luck!

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